Now is the perfect time to meet a Yokai in the streets of Stockholm. They have gathered at the Etnografiska museum in Stockholm.
Our species have always been interested in strange phenomenas, dreams, and the feeling of invisible presence. In Japan such feelings can be explained through Yokai, the Japanese spirits or creatures that are both loved, feared, and part of the culture since long time ago. They appear in everything from paintings, woodblock prints and books all the way to the modern video games, movies and manga culture.
Yokai is a way to provide explanations for strange events and experiences. They can serve as warnings, advisories, and are seen as a link to Japan’s wild and uncontrollable nature.
There are several types of Yokai so you can never be sure what form they will have until you have meet them!
They are rumored to be here during 13 September 2024 – 22 November 2026 but as they are not reliable maybe some will settle for good.