Nobel prize

swedish academy stockholm today scandals
Culture News Stockholm

No Nobel Prize in Literature 2018

Due to the many scandals in the Swedish Academy there will be no Nobel Prize in Literature this year. But what does this say about the quality of the Nobel prize in literature awarded in previous years? It is basically the same people who have been deciding about the Nobel Prize previously that are now […]

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News Stockholm

Moral scandal again in Sweden – Nobel and the Swedish Academy

All of Sweden and many countries are now talking about the scandals that involve the Swedish academy and the Nobel foundation and also the Royal house, the King of Sweden. It has proceeded from being a dirty story about one of the academy’s members husband involved in sex crimes, financial irregularities and leaked information about […]

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stockholm stadshus fire
Culture News Stockholm

Swedish Academy and Swedish Nobel Prize in scandals from #meetoo revelations

l´Académie suédoise, French media reports of the enormous scandals in Sweden are big news. In Germany the situation is the same, Thomas Steinfeld at the Süddeutsche Zeitung has written about double moral and sexual abuse at the Swedish Academy. The story has hit many major news sites all over the world. The Swedish Academy, that […]

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stockholm today nobel prize
News Stockholm

Nobel prize to both China & Japan

Asian countries are very good at research and are almost always in the top places for awards and prizes around the world. The most prestigious prize might be the Swedish Nobel Prize. This year there were also prize winners from these countries, Takaaki Kajita from Japan and Tu Youyou from China.  

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stockholm today 1802
Sightseeing Stockholm Tips

Not to miss – City Hall and Wasa museum

Two of the best places to visit when in Stockholm is the beautiful City Hall and the Wasa museum. Both are historical places but the City Hall is very much alive with all kinds of events and festivities like the Nobel prize awards in Stockholm. Don’t miss a guided tour of the City Hall and […]

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stockholmtoday lucia
Art Music Sightseeing Stockholm Tips

Lucia at Skansen Christmas in Stockholm

On the 13th of December you should try to get a glimpse of the Lucia tradition where girls and boys march and sing with candles. If you are a Nobel prize winner you will be woken up by a nice Lucia caravan but otherwise try to find it somewhere by yourself. One such place is […]

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stockholm today nobel prize
Art News Stockholm Tips

The Nobel Prizes in 2014

Are you on the list? There is still time if you are contending for the peace prize or the economics prize Go to the Nobel Prize site and send a greeting to the winners   The Nobel Prizes in 2014 Isamu Akasaki Hiroshi Amano Shuji Nakamura “for the invention of efficient blue light-emitting diodes which […]

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Selma Lagerlöf 1881
Art Tips

Happy Birthday Selma Lagerlöf

Born at Mårbacka in the middle of Sweden on the 20 November 1858 she is one of Swedens most known authors. She received the Nobel prize in literature 1909. Two of her most well known works are “The Story of Gösta Berling” and “The Wonderful Adventures of Nils”.  

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