Stockholm is growing
- StockholmToday
- 2017-05-18
- contruction
- Stockholm
- stockholm growing
- traffic
- travel
Building and reconstruction is going on like never before in Stockholm. More houses are being built everywhere there is space to make room for more people. The picturesque Stockholm many of us are used to is slowly changing in to a big city with crowds of people everywhere you go. It’s nice that so many […]
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Stockholm terror attack!
- StockholmToday
- 2017-04-07
- closed
- Stockholm
- terror attack
- traffic
Today Sweden and Stockholm is a very sad place. After the terror attack Stockholm is in chaos, basically the city has shut down. Transportation and traffic is closed. The terror of the world has once again come to the little peaceful Sweden! A country once rated as one of the safest in the world now […]
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Stockholm city demonstrations – Saturday
- StockholmToday
- 2017-01-19
- demonstrations
- saturday
- Stockholm
- traffic
This Saturday there will be demonstrations all over the city so walking is probably the best means of transportation if you want to avoid traffic problems. Demonstrations at: Sergels torg during 12.00–14.00 Medborgarplatsen during 12.45–15.30 Womens march against Trump, Norrmalmstorg via Strandvägen to Engelska kyrkan at Gärdet. Between 14.00–16.00 Count on traffic jams, probably more […]
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Stockholm – cold beautiful and slippery
Yes, Stockholm is cold beautiful and slippery right now. When you step out of the city center and walk some less frequented paths you might encounter completely ice covered pavements. Stockholm city does not seem to have any money to clear the streets well from ice patches and completely ice covered areas. So look out […]
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Check what Stockholm is like right now
- StockholmToday
- 2016-11-28
- events
- obama traffic stockholm
- slussen
- Stockholm
- traffic
- weather
- webcam
Here are a few of the best webcams Stockholm has on right now. You see what the weather looks like, how people dress and whats going on in the city in real time. Perfect for just knowing what clothes to bring, check traffic on days when there are events in Stockholm or just to refresh […]
Read MoreStockholm chaos
- StockholmToday
- 2016-11-10
- run
- snow
- Stockholm
- stockholm snow
- traffic
- traffic winter Stockholm
- winter stockholm
At least a traffic chaos is currently disturbing Stockholm. Many buses do not run, avoid using your car if you can and walk carefully so you do not fall! Weather is expected to warm up during the next days so less snow but very wet streets are to be expected. At last Stockholm is now […]
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Best spot for Stockholm New Year Fireworks
- StockholmToday
- 2015-12-30
- closed
- fireworks
- Happy New Year Stockholm
- new years eve
- slussen
- Stockholm
- traffic
The best spot for Stockholm New Year Fireworks is usually up on Fjällgatan or at Katarinavägen. But it all depends on the weather, winds and the precise location of the boat loaded with all the fireworks. Also be prepared for crowds, sometimes it can be difficult to get a good spot unless you are out […]
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Brazil female president visits Sweden
- StockholmToday
- 2015-10-19
- brazilian president visit
- Stockholm
- traffic
Brazil’s president Dilma Rousseff visit Sweden during two days. She met with Swedish prime minister Stefan Löfven to discuss economic exchange between the two countries. Expect some minor traffic problems when they move around the city as there is a rather large police escort accompanying the president.
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Car free day 19 september in Stockholm city
- StockholmToday
- 2015-09-15
- closed
- free
- no cars
- september
- Stockholm
- traffic
- traffic in stockholm
- walk in stockholm
Do not plan bringing your car into the city on 19 september in Stockholm. It will be closed for cars in an attempt to promote walking, biking and other means of transport like segways and the new one-wheel electric commuters. Expect quite some traffic jams around the city as cars have to turn back if […]
Read MoreUsing your phone in Stockholm
Using your own phone in Stockholm is great, Stockholm and Sweden generally has great IT infrastructure. WiFi is abundant and 4g is just about everywhere. That said, depending on your own contract it is usually still expensive to use your phone internationally and especially surfing the web with data traffic. Are you lucky to have […]
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