Dont miss TEDxStockholm

Generation WHY Stockholm TEDx

The important and fun events at TEDxStockholm is a must go if you are in Stockholm.

Next event is, Generation WHY?, on November 12th 2015, at Aula Medica in Karolinska Institutet.

Generation WHY Stockholm TEDx

The Millenials, also known as Generation Y, is the generation born from the early 1980s to the early 2000s. They are the first digital natives, tech savvy and always connected. Every gadget imaginable almost becomes an extension of their bodies. They are the generation that has received the most marketing attention though just strong brand names are not enough to lock the sales with them.

Find more info here! The event starts at 17.00. Registration begins at 16.00.

Sweden and Stockholm in particular is very trendy and one of the major cities that’s home for many millenials. The lifestyle in Stockholm has been very easy for the generation Y up until now.


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