Delicious Food Tours in Stockholm

food tours stockholm today

How about a culinary guided tour of Södermalm and Stockholm instead of wandering planless around missing out on all the best places for a good snack and drink while in Stockholm?

food tours stockholm today
Food tours is just about that, pay 695 SEK and you are taken directly to the best food spots in Stockholm and all tasting and a few drinks are included in the price.

How smart can it be! This would be our recommendation for a true Stockholm best food choices tour right now!

“The Nordic food Experience”
Time 07 Nov 14:00 – 17:30
Tickets left as of writing this : 4 | Cost: 695 SEK
Possible delicious stops along the way

Saluplats Husman
Hellbergs Fågel och Vilt
Saluplats Ost
Finska Butiken
Bakery & Spice
Rörstrands Slott

Walking distance: 2 km – Food Tours Stockholm

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