Swedish Academy and Swedish Nobel Prize in scandals from #meetoo revelations

stockholm stadshus fire

l´Académie suédoise, French media reports of the enormous scandals in Sweden are big news. In Germany the situation is the same, Thomas Steinfeld at the Süddeutsche Zeitung has written about double moral and sexual abuse at the Swedish Academy.

The story has hit many major news sites all over the world. The Swedish Academy, that awards the Nobel Prizes has been involved in the revelations of the #meetoo sex scandal. Members of the academy, their wives and daughters accused an influential person who is married to one of the members of the prestigious institution of sexual assault.

These is also suspicions of other misshapens connected to the influential person as revelations of the Nobel prizes winners before it was publicly announced.

All this has brought the once high standards Swedish Academy institution to face a situation where it of course risks affecting the Nobel prize status negatively. This is the institution which selects Nobel laureates and it is now exposed as a closed circle of people who hide severe secrets in a country which has built it’s whole reputation on a high level of transparency and very little corruption.

stockholm stadshus fire

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