Stockholm summer fun

Glorias 50+ disco 2013 stockholm

A few tips of free things to do in Stockholm.


Süperstar Orkestar are playing a concert for the whole family on the roof of Kulturhuset.
Hot and funny brass band music.

Where: Culture house, Kulturhuset near Sergels torg
When: Sunday, June 30
Time: 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m

Glorias 50+ Disco!

Dont miss Glorias 50+ disco if you are in Stockholm during July and are over 50 of course!

When: July 4 at 19:00-23:00
Where: in Skansen at Galejan (you only pay entrance for Skansen)

Glorias 50+ disco 2013 stockholm











Cayenne Pepper – Absurd summer in the green

In a play by René de Obaldias, during their breaks out on the hard work at the road construction the inmates get the opportunity to have a bit of life: conversations, stories and memories, telling tales and lying about time and life before Guayana, back home in Paris. Their personalities can bloom for a short moment.

Where: Långholmens Amphitheatre, Långholmen (beautiful place!)
When: Sunday, June 30, 2013
Time: 16:00


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