Best & cheapest way to use public transport in Stockholm

bus card in stockholm today
bus card in stockholm today

Cheapest way to use public transport in Stockholm?

Finding the cheapest way to use public transport in Stockholm is a complex affair of comparing and planning your trips. It’s easier if you put a value on comfort as well, then a prepaid card, 1-day, 3-day or longer is usually always easy to recommend.

Here is a quick example of the cost for 3 trips during 24-hours in the city with more than 1 hour in between. Cost for adults with:

  • Single tickets 3 x 36 = 108 SEK
  • 24-hour card 1 x 115 SEK

The cost of single tickets or card is about the same but the card is much more convenient and no extra cost for using it more during the 24-hour period should you want to.

Staying longer? then the 3 day (72 hour) card is for you, it costs 230 SEK.

Staying even longer? Then the 7 day card is recommended, it costs 300 SEK.

One thought on “Best & cheapest way to use public transport in Stockholm”

  1. The public transportationsystem is indeed good!
    Today the snow was deep and I didn´t fancy taking my bike back home. Luckaly it is easy to buy the ticket for the transportation by your cellphone, using sms.

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